Books & Blooms 2017
The Art of the Kitchen Garden
Friday, June 9, 2017, at The Library 6 – 8 PM ~ Talk, Cocktail Reception, Silent Auction
“Kitchen Garden Design: The Art of Growing Food,” a talk by Ellen Ecker Ogden, food and garden writer and lecturer on farm-to-table cooking and kitchen garden design. Her newest book, The Complete Kitchen Garden, features inspiring designs to create works of art outside your window. Ellen’s articles appear in many national magazines, most recently the March issue of Better Homes and Gardens.
The Silent Auction Prize: Ellen’s Saturday morning (June 10) one-hour garden design consultation at your home. Silent Auction bidding begins on May 1st. Winner notified after Ellen’s talk on Friday evening. Highest Bidder need not be present to win. Please call The Library at 860-672-6874 to place your bid.
Saturday, June 10, 2017, 10 AM – 4 PM, Tour of 5 local gardens
Mary Ellen & Andrea Geisser
Laurie & David Hodgson
Ridgway Farm
Betty Spence
Joanne Wojtusiak
Sale of new and out-of-print gardening books at The Cornwall Library.

About Our Guest
Ellen Ecker Ogden is a food and garden writer who co-founded The Cook’s Garden seed catalog in 1984. This introduced home gardeners to European and American heirloom lettuces and salad greens. She has written five books and teaches and lectures on farm-to-table cooking and kitchen garden design.
Her newest book, The Complete Kitchen Garden, features her own designs to inspire gardeners to create works of art. Based on the seasonal cycles of the garden, each chapter provides a new way to look at planting stages with themes and designs. Ellen contributes to numerous national magazines, and has been a guest on PBS and HGTV.
About the Gardens
Mary Ellen & Andrea Geisser
Raised garden beds carved out of a woodland area. Read more…
Laurie & David Hodgson
A diverse outdoor living area that respects both the traditional character and contemporary purposes of the 1735 colonial home. Read more…
Ridgway Farm
The first certified organic farm in Connecticut. Read more…
Betty Spence
A raised-bed vegetable garden that lies below a partially blasted rock formation. Read more…
Joanne Wojtusiak
A surprising brookside garden with both architectural and visual interest. Read more…