Books & Blooms 2022

Garden 1 – Formal Garden in a Village Setting

Inspired by their setting in the village of Cornwall, the owners have designed a series of formal vegetable and flower gardens framed by their neighbor’s picturesque old barns and surrounded by a traditional white picket fence. The various gardens are connected by gravel pathways, and pulled together by central birdbath.  Exuberant plantings of old-fashioned peonies, iris, and daylilies soften the picture, while self-sowing native flowers such as dame’s rocket, penstemon, and lobelia further the sense of abundant profusion. Using sugar maple branches, they have fashioned naturalistic arbors and creatively staked the peas, tomatoes, and pepper plants in the vegetable garden. Connecting the vegetable garden to the house is another garden of trees, shrubs and perennials.