Children’s Program at The Cornwall Library

Drop-In Playgroup
Wednesdays from 10:30am to noon
Toddler drop-in group. Wednesday mornings from 10:30 until noon. Bring your toddlers to the Library for a chance to play with other little ones.

Storytime with Rita Delgado
Thursdays from 10:30 am until noon
Jump into a magical book-filled adventure with Miss Rita on Thursday mornings. Interactive reading time will be followed with a craft and a light snack.

After School Art Program
Beginning September 4
Wednesdays from 3:30pm until 5:00pm
(Or 1:30 until 3:00pm on Region 1 Early Dismissal Days)
Come join us as we continue our after school art program on Wednesdays. We have an exciting schedule of projects planned for the fall, and bus service will be available from CCS to the library (upon request to school administration). Registration required. Registration link opens on every Monday at noon for the week’s Wednesday program.
Check late spring and summer editions of the monthly Library newsletter for information on summer programming for children. Please take a moment to read The Cornwall Library’s Child Protection Policy.